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Monday, February 12, 2018

And then it was over - Back in the USA

CN - Monday, February 12

The trip back home from Punta Arenas was a long one that started last Monday with with a 3.5 hour flight to Santiago, a 10.5 hour overnight flight to Atlanta, and ending with a 1.5 hour flight to DC on Tuesday morning - plus a two hour car ride to Dayton.  Add in the layovers and it was about about 24 hours of door to door travel - with zero sleep.  After returning the rental car we of course had to stop in downtown Harrisonburg for a beer and a burger at Jack Browns - my first indication that life was returning to normalcy.  I slipped in a quick afternoon nap before we all went out for sushi for Marybeth's birthday - meeting up with Justin and Luke at Mr. Lees.  Two familiar foods in one day - I was having comfort overload!

I've been back from South America for a week now and it's just beginning to sink in that we are back and the trip is over.  It's been 10 days now that I have not ridden on a motorcycle so seems reality should have come earlier.  Maybe because I basically just traded the motorcycle for a truck in terms of travel vessel and have continued to move from place to place.  The current road is more familiar and less interesting than the roads two weeks ago.

Reflecting back on the trip in its entirety feels overwhelming - Mexico seems so long ago.  Amazing that three months can feel like an eternity and a flash - both at the same time.  I feel so much closer to the countries we rode through - even those I had the privilege of visiting previously.  Riding through a country by motorcycle allows for so much more than flying in and flying typically can.  I really can't say there is one favorite country but certainly there are favorite parts of each country.  Also so many parts of each country was missed altogether - I need to go back again someday soon.

I have some time to kill before my next adventure begins in June - riding up to Prudhoe Bay, AK and back.  Currently I'm in Florida visiting family and friends.  Next will be trip out to Colorado to visit friends and get in some turns - hopefully the snow gets better before I get out there.  After that, who knows.  I'm looking at some travel options now.  The goal is to kill some time, see some stuff and not completely break the bank.

It was a heck of a journey covering a huge amount of land mass.  Many days were difficult due to the terrain, the weather, the traffic, the bike - but looking back I wouldn't trade back a single day.  It is about the journey after all and when traveling by moto you get what you get.  At the end of the day what I got was an absolutely incredible experience only other overlanders can fully understand.  

Flying back over Patagonia.


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